From The Bottom of the Ocean to the Surface: The Beauty of Getting Wet

 From The Bottom of the Ocean to the Surface: The Beauty of Getting Wet.

Everyone’s life is a combination of good and bad experiences. Anyone will confront issues that would be too great to bear at some point in time. But, one must appreciate the fact that these hardships can strengthen a person. In this paper, the writer will examine the notion that one may come out of a challenge more powerful if one accepts the challenge first.

Struggles: An Introduction.

Struggles can be external such as academic pressure and family configurations internal and personal doubts. One of the struggles that I can relate to was balancing school on top of anxiety. At some point, although a clear line was not defined, I had to do so much work that it was as if I was in the bottom of an ocean of expectations. I often doubted even my most basic faculties clarity of mind and wondered if I would ever actually be On Top.

But the acceptance of these struggles was the first thing to do. I wasn’t even thinking about flight; fighting was the only option left for me. It is of paramount importance to understand that no one is free from these struggles, and acknowledging these ‘war in ourselves’ is simply being a person.

 Resilience Has Its Place

This is the nature of resilience, the capacity to recover quickly from the hardships. It is often the easiest thing to think of giving up when one is faced with challenges. But this is precisely when we can learn to be even tougher.

For instance, over one hard semester that I endured, I turned to my friends and even teachers for their assistance. I understood that there was no need to bear the entire burden by myself. Helping out did not only lighten my load but also fortified my bonds with the people I assisted. I realised the burden was lessened simply by vocalising it.

 The Power of Embracing Pain and Distress;

Vulnerability is something that most people are afraid of, but it is in fact the most courageous thing in the world to do. There is intimacy to sharing one’s pernicious truths with others. I remember one time I confided in a friend about my anxiety and she went on to say that she was just coming out of the same thing. The bond we established through these experiences contributed to alleviating both our feelings of loneliness.

Another benefit of sharing one’s feelings is the feeling of having a revelation. As we in turn allow ourselves to feel and show how we feel, we tend to find out what is of importance to us. This understanding of self is key in fortifying oneself.

Facing Challenges and Adapting;

Every challenge comes with a teaching. As I reflect on my challenges, I fully understand how they developed me. For instance, I was able to appreciate the work of preparing after I failed a test and dealt with the test anxiety.

Such problems were not easy, but it is because of them that I am who I am today. I have discovered that failure is not the end, but rather a lesson. It is this attitude that can help change failures into constructive achievements.

Accepting the Path Instead of the Goal;

Overcoming problems to a higher level of resilience is not a straight line; it has its curves. At times, we may even get the impression that we are going backward. That is fine. Each progress, irrespective of whether or not it is advancement, is beneficial to us in the long run.

It is important to enjoy the small wins even as the process can be quite overwhelming. It can be finishing a work or getting through a challenging day – all these instances, no matter how small, help build our self-esteem.

Final Thoughts;

There is considerable power in accepting and owning our struggles. We can reshape the narrative by recognising our limits, overcoming them, and being willing to be exposed to challenges. Do not forget every road has its bumps but surely when we reach the end it is these bumps that have made us stronger. So instead of shying away from the journey, let us terminate the best version of ourselves each time and every time we have to struggle.

At the end fitness make you powerful.


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